Visit Our Family Dentist for Dental Extractions in Glendale

Family DentistAs a family dentist, we provide a variety of dental services, including dental extractions, in Glendale.  Our goal, however, is to prevent the need for them. We are focused on providing preventative dental care because we understand how critical a full set of teeth is to your ability to enjoy life.  We recommend that you take steps to keep them healthy by brushing and flossing throughout the day, eating a mouth-healthy diet that includes vegetables, lean protein, dairy, nuts and drinking water, and that you also have your teeth cleaned twice per year.  These activities can work to keep your teeth healthy and to prevent the common infections that can lead to an extraction becoming necessary.

Tip: If you want to keep your natural teeth in place for as long as possible, avoid drinking anything that is highly corrosive.  Soda, for example, has a pH level as low as 2.5 which makes it nearly as corrosive as phosphoric acid. Anything with a pH level below 5.5 can dissolve your dentin, literally eating away at your teeth.  When your dentin begins to dissolve, you will have bone loss, your teeth will be weak and they will be more susceptible to both damage and infection.  Something seemingly innocent like drinking a can of Coke every day could easily lead to future tooth loss.

While our goal is on preventative care and keeping your teeth healthy, if you do end up with a serious infection and need dental extractions in Glendale – we can help.  Our first step as a family dentist will be to see if anything can be done to save the tooth.  Very often, we can complete a root canal procedure to remove the infection portion of the tooth and when combined with a course of antibiotics, this can be enough to stabilize it and finish the treatment with a restoration like a crown.  If this is not possible due to the severity of the infection, or you simply do not prefer this option, we can move to extract the tooth.

When completing dental extractions in Glendale, we always start by numbing the area so that our patients do not feel anything.  This is important because we do not want you to experience any discomfort.  We will use pain medication, etc. to ensure that the overall experience in not traumatic in any way.  Next, we will remove the tooth in the least invasive manner possible.  If the tooth has already erupted, we can typically remove it by wiggling it loose and then pulling it out of the socket.  If the tooth is impacted, like wisdom teeth can be, we may need to surgically remove it by cutting a flap in the gum tissue so that the gums can be lifted up, the tissue and bone removed from on top of the tooth, and the tooth lifted out of the socket. In both cases, we will place gauze on the area where the tooth once was to help stop the bleeding and you will want to take ibuprofen and use an ice pack to help reduce the swelling.

To learn more about the process or to find out if it is even necessary, visit our family dentist today.


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