Preventive Dentistry: 4 Habits That are Destroying Your Teeth

Many people know that preventative dentistry can help protect their teeth from things like plaque and decay. However, they may not know that their bad habits cause damage to their teeth. You might not feel pain when doing something as small as biting your fingernails, but it can lead to severe dental problems. With some minor adjustments, you can break these habits and ensure that your teeth remain strong.

Habits that can harm your teeth

Below are four common habits that can harm your teeth. Even with proper preventative dentistry treatments, these behaviors may lead to dental problems.

1. Nail biting

This is a common habit that many people share. You might sometimes bite your nails without even realizing it. It can seem harmless when you are stressed and realize you are biting your nails. Although most people would assume it is only bad for their nails, that is not the case.

First, it can chip your teeth. The force and movements that occur when biting your nails can result in the teeth cracking. If this occurs, the only option is to visit a dentist to have the chipped tooth repaired. This can sometimes be quite costly.

Secondly, it can cause issues with the jaw as well. Your jaw slightly protrudes when you bite your nails. By doing this movement routinely, you can develop pain and jaw alignment issues.

2. Brushing too hard

It may seem like brushing harder would mean that teeth would be cleaner and healthier. However, brushing too hard can damage teeth enamel and irritate gums. If your gums recede, you cannot naturally grow back this tissue. This loss of enamel and gum tissue can lead to tooth sensitivity.

Think about brushing as a light massage for your teeth. You only need to gently rub the toothbrush around your mouth to remove most buildup. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to minimize irritation.

3. Grinding and clenching the jaw

This is typically a symptom of stress or side effect of certain medications. Whatever the case, grinding and clenching the jaw and teeth are never a good thing. It can result in jaw pain, headaches and neck pain. It can also cause teeth to be sore and tender.

The best way to manage this is to relax. Find ways to eliminate stress and learn techniques to avoid this habit.

4. Chewing ice

Have you ever finished a drink and chewed the remaining ice cubes? This can be refreshing or satisfying for some people. That said, it can also cause teeth to crack, wear down enamel and cause jaw pain. It is best to avoid chewing ice altogether. If you want that refreshing, cool feeling, opt for drinks with shaved ice or smoothies.

Do you have dental issues?

If you have tooth pain or other concerns regarding your mouth, it is best to see a dentist. With proper preventative dentistry, you can stop issues from happening in the first place. Our office can help you eliminate bad habits that may be contributing to your dental problems. Call us to schedule an appointment.

Request an appointment here: or call Clarisse Atakhanian DDS Inc. at (818) 483-9071 for an appointment in our Glendale office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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