Decay Prevention and Other Benefits of Using a Dental Sealant

Dental Sealant Glendale, CA

Dental sealants offer patients a powerful defense against cavities. General dentists present this option to patients who need a little help preventing tooth decay. According to the American Dental Association, sealants are safe.

The importance of preventing tooth decay

Dental sealants provide extra protection to teeth, especially for those more prone to tooth decay. Preventing decay is essential to one's good oral health. When decay is present, it creates a hole in the tooth. This hole will only continue to worsen until a dentist removes the decay. If not removed in a timely manner, this decay can lead to the eventual loss of one or more teeth.

How dental sealants protect teeth

Dental sealants work by protecting a tooth from any outside elements that can cause harm to it. According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, dental sealants reduce cavities by about 86% in the first year and 58% after four years. This is the main reason why dental sealants are so popular for children. When it comes to adults, some will experience decay more often than others, even if they follow a proper oral care routine. These adults may be good candidates for dental sealants as well. 

Cavity prevention is the main benefit patients get when they receive dental sealants. The application process is a simple one. A general dentist covers the surfaces of a tooth using a special tooth-colored acrylic coating. This coating works by acting as a barrier to protect teeth from any outside elements that can cause them harm, such as sugars and acids.

Before receiving dental sealants, a patient must first address any current tooth decay in their mouth. For many patients, this just involves a filling or two. However, those with more extensive decay may need more extensive treatment, such as a dental onlay, inlay, or dental crown. Those who have cavities that have reached the inner part of the tooth or the pulp chamber will likely need to undergo a root canal to save the tooth.

Dental sealants can offer patients a certain amount of peace of mind. These sealants reduce the probability of being diagnosed with decay on one or more teeth. However, it is essential for patients to continue to take proper care of their oral health by brushing, flossing, and making regular dental appointments. Dental sealants offer extra protection but are not a substitute for good oral healthcare.

In need of extra tooth decay protection?

Dental sealants can offer powerful support for a patient's oral health if combined with good oral hygiene and oral health habits. Dental sealants not only protect teeth from decay but can also save patients from needing additional and more intensive dental treatments in the future. Whether it is a child or an adult who is in need of dental sealants, the next step is making an appointment with a general dentist for placement.

Request an appointment here: or call Clarisse Atakhanian DDS Inc. at (818) 483-9071 for an appointment in our Glendale office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Sealants in Glendale, CA.

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