Choose Dental Veneers for an Improved Smile

Often, when people want to improve their smile, they are shown a few different procedures that could do the job — including dental veneers. Perhaps they have decided they are ready to have a smile they enjoy showing off, or they heard about different ways to improve their smile from a friend or family member. Either way, the subject of dental veneers has caught their interest, and they are looking for more information.

Read on for the details about dental veneers and find out how they can improve a person’s smile and give them teeth they cannot wait to smile with.

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers, which are also sometimes referred to as porcelain veneers, are an extremely thin shell that is placed over teeth to improve the look of a person’s smile. They are custom-made for each person and permanently positioned on the teeth, and can quickly transform a person’s smile to something they are proud to show off.

What can dental veneers fix?

Because of how dental veneers are crafted and then placed on the teeth, they are good for fixing a lot of different issues. Overall, a person who gets dental veneers will be impressed with how their teeth look before and after having them installed. Below is a list of some of the issues that can be treated with the help of dental veneers:

Discolored teeth

One thing that dental veneers are excellent at helping to resolve is discolored teeth. The teeth could be stained for many different reasons, including from foods and beverages, root canal treatments or excessive fluoride. Either way, dental veneers can cover up the discoloration, and the patient can have bright white teeth again.

Worn-down teeth

Over time, a person’s teeth will begin to wear down. If they have issues with TMJ or bruxism (teeth grinding), their teeth may be worn down even more. Although it may seem like they do not have many options other than replacing the teeth, dental veneers can be a great solution that does not require a single tooth to be removed.

Broken, chipped and gapped teeth

Again, these issues would typically need to have different dental or orthodontic treatments and procedures done. However, with dental veneers, they can be covered and thereby avoid the need for other procedures.

Dental veneer placement

The placement of dental veneers is done by a procedure called bonding. Using a heavy-duty adhesive, the veneers will be placed on the teeth, and the patient can enjoy great looking teeth again. Dental bonding typically takes less than an hour and also uses a special light to quickly adhere the veneers to the teeth.

Are you in need of dental veneers?

Do you have additional questions about how dental veneers can transform your mouth and the many issues they can help treat? Call our office today, and we will gladly answer any additional questions you may have.

Request an appointment here: or call Clarisse Atakhanian DDS Inc. at (818) 483-9071 for an appointment in our Glendale office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Veneers and Dental Laminates.

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