Cavity Prevention Measures Everyone Should Know

Cavity prevention Glendale, CA

Cavity prevention is an important part of keeping your teeth healthy. Tooth decay is one of the most common issues dentists deal with each day. Decay leads to serious dental problems if you do not treat it. Fortunately, preventing cavities does not cost much. You only need a willingness to make your oral health a priority. Here are some simple things that you can do to keep your teeth free from decay.

Simple Cavity Prevention Tips

Good Oral Hygiene

Taking proper care of your teeth is the single most important thing you can do. It does not cost much. You only need fluoride toothpaste, a toothbrush, some floss and an antibacterial mouthwash. Brushing does the most when it comes to keeping teeth free of the things that can break them down. Patients should aim to brush at least twice each day. Saliva production slows down while you sleep, and that gives bacteria and acids free rein to cause as much damage as they want. Saliva helps to wash teeth and neutralize acids in the mouth. Make sure one of those brushing sessions is right before going to bed.

It is also a good idea to floss at least once each day. The bristles of a toothbrush are not able to reach the spaces between teeth, but dental floss can clean these spaces and remove food particles, plaque and bacteria. Using a quality mouthwash to round up brushing sessions gives you an extra layer of protection. Some mouthwashes not only reduce the bacteria count in the mouth but also remineralize the teeth.

Eat Smart

You likely eat many things that are counterproductive to cavity prevention. For example, foods that are rich in sugar are bad for teeth. Sugar has an acidic nature, and it can break down tooth enamel. It tends to stick to teeth, so the acid-producing bacteria that live in the mouth love it. Rinse your mouth water after having sugar-rich foods to minimize the damage. Sugar is not the only common food item that is bad for a person's teeth. Many citrus fruits and berries have highly acidic juices. These juices can damage your enamel.

Hydrate Throughout the Day

Water helps to wash teeth surfaces, and it can remineralize teeth if it contains fluoride. Drinking water all day is also a better option than drinking sodas or juices which contain sugar and can be acidic. Water also rehydrates your mouth so that saliva can combat bacteria. A dry mouth increases bacteria production, which can lead to tooth decay and bad breath.

Visit a Dentist Twice Each Year

You should see your dentist twice a year for checkups. The dentist will remove tartar buildup and examine the teeth for signs of decay and other issues. The dentist might also take preventative measures like providing a fluoride treatment or dental sealant.

Are Your Teeth Healthy?

Your teeth may look fine, but a dentist can identify causes for concern. Talk to one of our dentists to learn more about cavity prevention and treatment.

Request an appointment here: or call Clarisse Atakhanian DDS Inc. at (818) 483-9071 for an appointment in our Glendale office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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