Why You Should Consider Dental Sealants in Glendale

Dental Sealants in GlendaleIf you are concerned about cavities, our dental sealants in Glendale can help to prevent them.  We typically use sealants on children that have deep ridges in the chewing surfaces of their teeth.  When this is the case, food particles, plaque, and bacteria can gather in these ridges and be incredibly difficult to clean.  We place dental sealant on the teeth so that they are sealed, nothing can become trapped there, and the teeth will be easier to clean in general.

How it works -

Placing sealants is a fast and easy process.  The material is brushed onto the teeth and dried.  The solution is clear so that no one will be able to tell that sealants were placed.  Once the sealant has hardened, you or your child can eat like normal without fear of damaging it.  We recommend that you continue to exercise a standard amount of caution by avoiding foods that could harm any of your teeth (chewing on ice for example).  Other than that, you can maintain your typical oral hygiene routine and diet while wearing sealants.

While placing dental sealants in Glendale, we have observed that most of our young patients barely realize that we are working on their teeth.  The process is truly that simple and non-invasive.  They will experience zero discomfort during this simple procedure.

Why we do it –

Cavities are a significant problem with children.  So much so, that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has stated that tooth decay is the most commonly occurring infectious disease among children and a leading cause for missing days from school.  As a dentist, we do our part to prevent children and adults from getting cavities.  We recommend brushing and flossing twice a day at home and visiting our office for a professional cleaning twice a year.  Additionally, we can take steps to prevent cavities.  Dental sealants in Glendale are one way that we do so since a sealant will keep plaque off of the chewing surfaces of the teeth. We also complete fluoride treatments.  Statistically, fluoride can reduce the risk of getting cavities by 30 percent, a significant amount considering how common they are.

Types for staying healthy –

After we have cleaned your child's teeth, given them a fluoride treatment and placed dental sealants, it is up to you to keep their teeth healthy at home.  This starts with a good diet.  We recommend that you restrict their exposure to sugar and acidic foods.  That includes lemons and limes since the acid can cause enamel erosion.  Instead, feed them a diet that contains green leafy vegetables, lean protein, dairy products, and nuts.  This will help to remineralize and strengthen their teeth.  Strong teeth are less likely to get a cavity or infection, so their diet does play a critical role in their overall health.  When it comes to beverages, you should have them drink as much water as possible and only water before bed. Simultaneously, we suggest that you brush their teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste and floss.


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